College of basic education held training workshop on institutional performance evaluation.
College of basic education held training workshop on institutional performance evaluation.
Under the direct supervision by assistant professor Dr. Haidar Shakir Mezher . Dean, College of Basic Education, standard of quality and university performance Division organized in cooperation with Continuous Education Division at the college , a training workshop for institutional performance evaluation in accordance with the national standards for institutional evaluation of all the committees formed in college tasked with work according to standards institutional and evaluation, has lectured in the workshop, Dr.Haider shaker Mezher and professor Dr. Mazen Abdul Rasoul Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and lect. Sana Hussein Khalaf, in-charge of standard of quality and university performance Division in college.
The workshop included determining the criteria for evaluating of institutional performance including strategic planning, functions and organizational structure, knowledge, training, competence and skill, and a review of procedures and mechanisms adopted, and technology, the electronic systems, leadership and change management, as well as discussed the financial and budget affairs for faculty .