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An MA Thesis about Simplification Strategy

An MA thesis has been discussed at Basic Education. The thesis was entitled with (The Effect of Simplification and Sophistication Strategy on...

Dr. Ahmed Takes Part in an MA Thesis Discussion

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Dawood , a lecturer from Mathematics Department, has taken part in an MA thesis discussion at Baghdad University. The thesis was entitled with (The Effect of Teaching Mastery Motivation on...

A Debate about Muslim Bin Aqeel

A debate has been held at Basic Education about Muslin Bin Aqeel, the emissary of Imam Hussein to...

An MA Thesis about Imitation Strategy

An MA thesis has been discussed at Basic Education. It was entitled with( The Effect of the Imitation Strategy in the Visual Orientation...

Diyala University Obtains the 2nd Webometrics Position

Mr. head of Diyala University has congratulated the colleges of the university on...

A Master Thesis about (DSLM) Sample


The Message of Mr. Dean

 In the Name of Merciful Allah

The College of Basic Education is one of the scientific and educational milestones in our beloved country. It has been full with achievments since the foundation in 19994. It has created different educational staff and provided government with good graduates. We have decided, since we joined the job of deanery in 2019, to do our best in promoting the college and work as one with the staff to maintain this great milestone which serves a wide spectrum of the Iraqi Society.                                                          


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