Computer department make an electronic distribution program for Central addmission of students for the academic year 2016-2017
Computer department make an electronic distribution program for Central addmission of students for the academic year 2016-2017
by Direct guidance assistant professor Dr. Haidar Shakir Mezher , Dean of college ,and the supervision of Dr. Wissam Jalil saba'a , Associate Dean for Student Affairs, and the follow-up of Mr. Alaa Abdal_husaan Obeid , Director of Registration in college, Dr. Firas Mohammed aswad , Head of Department of Computer , design and programming of a special electronic program to distribute the central Admission for the academic year students 2016-2017 on all departments of the college and depending on the average and degree of compitation for the student that determined by the department
Dr. Firas, He said that the work way of the program are as follows , the student's choice of three sections of the college departments according to his desire, and then the special program examines the student's grade and the average , and by the simple mathematical equation , the program accept a student in the department who qualifies average after conducting mathematical equation in the program and in this way justice is done in the distribution of students according to his desire and after making these mathematical equations, which works out of the program.