Al-fatih journal gets a impact factor of arabic journals that specialist in all field of human studies
Al-fatih journal gets a impact factor of arabic journals that specialist in all field of human studies
A member staff at Arabic language department issued a book entitled(Lectures in counseling and educational guidance)
College of basic education held scientific discussion for master thesis entitled ( grammatical orientation of Quranic readings for Abo Al-abbas Al-mahdawi )
A member staff at Arabic language department issued a book entitled Lectures in Educational Research Methods Recently released for the lecturer at arabic language
College of basic education , recently released the new volume ( 68 ) of Al_fatih journal for psychological and educational researches .
A member staff at the history department contribute gets the membership of the Egyptian Society for Historical Studies in egypt
A member staff at Arabic language department issued a book entitled (Lectures in Counseling and Mental Health )
A member staff at the history department contribute gets the membership of the Egyptian Society for Historical Studies in egypt
Department of science organize a scientific seminar about ( creation and innovation )
Two member staff from the University of Tehran and Shiraz in Iran .published scientific research in the Journal of Al-Fatih for educational and psychological researches .