Two member staff from the University of Tehran and Shiraz in Iran .published scientific research in the Journal of Al-Fatih for educational and psychological researches .
Two member staff from the University of Tehran and Shiraz in Iran .published scientific research in the Journal of Al-Fatih for educational and psychological researches .
Dr. ishaq Rahmani member staff at Shiraz University and Dr. Musa Bayat member staff at Tehran University, Publish their research entitled (the problems of Teaching of Arabic Language in Iranian high schools) in the Al-fatih Journal for Educational and Psychological Research , volume (68) .
The research includes to teaching the Arabic language as it’s a language of Islam and Islamic cultural , and as it’s a language of Arab countries , and alive language .
mixed with our culture and literature , so that we cannot understand Persian literature only after learning the Arabic language . because our language are fully contain Arabic vocabulary and terms , so for this , the Article 16 of the Constitution obligate teaching this language at schools in Iran, and this shows the importance of Arabic language .