Al-fatih journal gets a impact factor of arabic journals that specialist in all field of human studies
Al-fatih journal gets a impact factor of arabic journals that specialist in all field of human studies
this scientific achievement comes as a part of the series of scientific achievements on the global and local level which is sponsored by Dr. haider shaker mezher , dean of college of basic education and general supervisor on Al_fatih journal . who gave great support in the scientific aspects and opened the door for journal to be global throught variety of scientific achievement that done by journal , this impact factor gets by Al-fatih journal and Al-Kufa journal on local level only .
It is worth mentioning , that after the Journal of Fatih get on the Arab impact factor , the general supervisor of the journal Assistant Prof. (Haider Shaker Mezher) gets invitation to come to (the second International Conference on Scientific Publishing and of Arab impact factor), which will be held from 6 to 9 / May / 2017 in the Kingdom of Bahrain
Mentions that the Arab impact factor provides an quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the quality and sobriety to Arab journals specialized in all fields of human knowledge , with the aim of monitoring the Arab scientific activity in most of its channels, which are basic channel in scientific communication between researchers , since nearly 350 years, which is a scientific journals .