An English Department lecturer at Basic takes part in an MA thesis at the College of Education for Humanities at the University of Diyala.
A Lecturer from the College of Basic Education of Diyala University discusses a master's thesis at the College of Education for Humanities at the University of Diyala.
A lecturer from the Department of English at the College of Basic Education, Assistant Professor Dr. Sarab Kadir Mugair, discussed a master’s thesis entitled with (A Socio-pragmatic Study of Netspeak Maxims in English Academic community) for a candidate student (Shatha Sadiq Jaafar) from the Department of English at the College of Education for Humanities at the University of Diyala.
The discussion committee consisted of
- Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim Fadel Al Jameel – Chairman
- Asst. Prof Dr. Ghazwan Adnan – member
- Asst. Ptof. Dr. Sarab Kadir Mugair – member
- Asst. Prof. Ahmed Noori – member.