Basic Education has held a workshop about ( The Psychlogical Support for Cancer Patients ). The trainer Haitham Raid delivered the lecture while it was manged by Dr. Qahtan from History Deprtment.
Basic Education has held a workshop about ( The Psychlogical Support for Cancer Patients ). The trainer Haitham Raid delivered the lecture while it was manged by Dr. Qahtan from History Deprtment.
A work shop has been held at Basic Education by Science Department. It was about the mechanism of the chemical compounds preparation. Inst.Dr. Muthanna Saeed delivered the lecture which consisted of : 1. How to prepare the solid compound solutions …
An MA thesis has been discussed at Basic Education. It was entitled with ( The Effect of Hill Strategy on Obtaining Handball Skills) for the student Mohemmed Hussein.
With a presence of Dr. Hasan Al-Ameedi, The head of Basketball Federation Head at Western Asia, Basic Education held a festival on Thursday 20/10/2022 to honor the participants in the referee training session.
An MA thesis has been discussed at Basic Education. It was entitled with (The Effect of the Control Power and Teaching Independance on for History 6th Secondary School Teachers). for the student (Abbas Saadi.
An MA thesis has been discussed at Basic Education. It was entitled with ( The Effect of Open Thinking and the Cognetive Integration on the History Subject Achievment for the 6th High School Students) for the student Manal Yunis.
An MA thesis has been discussed at Basic Education with an international participation from Al-Mansoorah University. It was entitled with (The Effect of Data Processing Ways on Strategic Intelligence for History High Students ae Iraqi Universites) for the student Amani Ali.
An MA thesis has been discussed at Basic Education. It was entitled wuth ( The Effect of Mcfarland Strategy on the Achievment of the Legal Knowledge of Basketball) for the student Dena Munthir.