Dr. Oday Visit Modar Al-Korwi
The visit of the President of the Diyala Provincial Council, Dr. Omar Al-Karawi, by the Iraqi Academics Union / Diyala Branch, Prof. Dr. Uday Karim Rahman and Prof. Dr. Haider Abdulbagi Abbas with the aim of presenting the shield of the union for assuming his position, and during the visit, some issues of interest to the University of Diyala affiliates were discussed, the most important of which is the allocation of land plots for this important and influential segment of society in the same way as other segments. For his part, the President of the Council expressed his readiness to cooperate in order to achieve this demand, and his Excellency made some contacts with the competent authorities, as well as sending an official letter attached to a list of the names of all university employees, including teachers and employees, to the relevant authority. From God’s success