مجموع ابحاث تدريسيي قسم اللغة الانجليزية 2016-2020
ت | عنوان البحث | اسم التدريسي | المجلة | المجلد | العدد | سنة النشر | رابط البحث |
1. | The effect of using creative imagination stra tegy to enhance composition writing skill of Iraqi EFL college students | سامية محمد رزوقي | الفتح | المؤتمر العلمي السابع | |||
2. | An analysis of conceptual metaphor in non-compositional idioms in English TV series | امثل محمد عباس | مداد الاداب الجامعة العراقية- المؤتمر | ||||
3. | Orientalism and romantic poetry | نادية احمد فرهود | اسيا | 2229 | |||
4. | The effect of group work technique on the students’ achievement of language learning | نزار حسين ولي | نسق | 7 | 2015 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SgKBqqPU3xk4BcXE95aYdb6-v8y9jDuN/view | |
5. | The effect of Brainstorming on Iraqi EFL learners’’ ability in critical reading | عمر نصرالله خلف ياسر صالح مهدي | نسق | 12 | 2016 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DfbopOMUrRXgjC1stwn4IkoZO7yEB7lL/view | |
6. | An assessment of using classroom interaction techniques in the classroom from EFL Iraqi teacher’s point of view | اشواق عبد المهدي | مجلة كلية التربيه الاساسيه / جامعة المستنصرية | ٢٢ | ٩٥ | 2016 | http://search.shamaa.org/FullRecord?ID=251438 |
7. | الصعوبات التي تواجه طالبات المرحلة الاعدادية في مادة الأشغال اليدوية. | أ.م. هبة مظهر عبد | الفتح | 66 | 2016 | https://alfatehmag.uodiyala.edu.iq/pages?id=62 | |
8. | The implication of analysis of interpersonal metafunction in Donald Trum’s victory speech | سراب قادر مغير | نسق | 16 | 2017 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kBK0qi4GswFPXB5n9txhXgATIKkbMDvX/view | |
9. | The effect of using ZPD technique for promoting Iraqi EFL students vocabulary acquisition | سامية محمد رزوقي | نسق | 16 | 2017 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kBK0qi4GswFPXB5n9txhXgATIKkbMDvX/view | |
10. | Indoctrinating education in our educational institutions ( primary schools in the governorate of Diyala as a model of school community) | داليا حسين يحيى | الفتح | 70 | 2017 | https://alfatehmag.uodiyala.edu.iq/pages?id=77 | |
11. | Difficulties faced by disabled pupils in learning EFL | سندس طالب حسن نزار حسين ولي | نسق | 15 | 2017 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GyLnhJ2YeyQc08nt03nzmqZ6nutWcJdN/view | |
12. | Charles Dickens’ great expectations as a bildungsroman novel | هيفاء عبد الخالق احمد | Sryahwa | 4 | 5 | 2017 | https://www.ijrhss.org/papers/v4-i5/1.pdf |
13. | The Effect of Using Modified Lecture on Listening Comprehension Skills for English Department Students at Diyala University | م. ابتهال احمد صلال | الفتح | 72 | 2017 | https://alfatehmag.uodiyala.edu.iq/uploads/vol%2072/20.pdf | |
14. | Exploring the linguistic features in a sillitoe’s “ the loneliness of the long distance runner: a stylistic study | سراب قادر مغير | نسق | 18 | 2018 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AFH5zifiBXb939lxI8Z719L3X7xSKroc/view | |
15. | A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Hedging in Facebook Comments: A Sex- and Age-based Approach | أ.د. امثل محمد عباس أ.م.د. سراب قادر مغير | international journal of applied linguistics and English literature | 7 | 7 | 2018 | https://www.journals.aiac.org.au/index.php/IJALEL/article/view/5052 |
16. | A Morpho-Syntactic Analysis of Modal Verbs in Iraqi Dialects: A Comparative Study | أ.د. امثل محمد عباس أ.م.د. سراب قادر مغير | International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature | 7 | 1 | 2018 | https://www.journals.aiac.org.au/index.php/IJALEL/article/view/3962 |
17. | Learner Autonomy in Language Learning: Teachers’ Attitudes. | م. اشواق عبد المهدي حسين | Australian journal of basic and applied sciences | 12 | 4 | 2018 | http://www.ajbasweb.com/old/Ajbas_April-2018.html |
18. | The role of using Gardener’s multiple intelligences theory for promoting creative writing of Iraqi EFL students | سامية محمد رزوقي سندس طالب حسن | الاستاذ | 227 | 4 | 2018 | https://alustath.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/UJIRCO/article/view/1698 |
19. | The impact of an instructional program on developing the intercultural competence awareness Iraqi EFL college learners | سندس طالب حسن عمر نصرالله خلف | نسق | 19 | 2018 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_EkSWI87QHbcAIQ3v9P7PGR1dWoCgZsN/view | |
20. | The prevalence of imperial ideologies in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness | ميثم علي | مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية – المستنصرية | 24 | 102 | 2018 | https://www.iasj.net/iasj/article/159591 |
21. | Jazz chants as a teaching device | نزار حسين ولي | نسق | 17 | 2018 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hWglhHn6aItq2j6vSFExd6vscAo-tTpX/view | |
22. | The theme of curse in national Hawthorn’s The House of the Seven Gables | محمد ناجي وميثم علي | نسق | 20ملحق | 2018 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lC3wcgeWi9FIEfd16IVpH4-1bzzN4yyS/view | |
23. | اثر افلام الفيديو في تنمية أداء مهارات الأعمال الورقية لدى طلبة كلية التربية الاساسية قسم التربية الفنية. | أ.م. هبة مظهر عبد | النسق | 17 | 2018 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hWglhHn6aItq2j6vSFExd6vscAo-tTpX/view | |
24. | A Stylistic Analysis of Oscar Wilde’s the Nightingale and the Rose | أ.م.د. سراب قادر مغير أ.م. اسوان جلال عباس | Opcion | 35 | 19 | 2019 | https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/31162 |
25. | Illusion in Tennessee Williams’ play “ the glass menagerie” | نادية احمد فرهود | تكريت | 26 | 5 | 2019 | http://www.jtuh.tu.edu.iq/index.php/hum/article/view/676 |
26. | A pragmatic study of swearing in Arthur Miller’s death of a salesman | سراب قادر مغير | ديالى | 80 | 2019 | https://humanmag.uodiyala.edu.iq/uploads/pdf/80-1/80-2/27.pdf | |
27. | A Stylistic Analysis of For Whom the Bell Tolls | أ.م.د. سراب قادر مغير | Serbiluz | 35 | 19 | 2019 | https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/29113 |
28. | The Impact Of Using Emoji And Emoticon To Enhance Iraqi EFL Students` In Vocabulary Acquisition At Intermediate School | أ.م. سامية محمد رزوقي | PAIDEMULA | 12 | 10 | 2019 | https://paideumajournal.com/Volume-12-Issue-10-2019 / |
29. | The Humorous Effect of the Inappropriateness of Speech Acts in the Sitcom of Still Standing | م.د. سيف حاتم عبد الحكيم | DIRASAT: HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCE | 46 | 2 | 2019 | https://journals.ju.edu.jo/DirasatHum/article/view/105059 |
30. | The Humor of Still Standing Contradictions between Implicature and Presupposition | م.د. سيف حاتم عبد الحكيم | DIRASAT: HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCE | 46 | 2 | 2019 | https://journals.ju.edu.jo/DirasatHum/article/view/105060 |
31. | Sex- and Age-Based Approach to the Study of Interruption in “The Kings of Summer” Movie and “Pretty Little Liars” TV Series: A Case of Same-Sex Teenage Interactions
| أ.د. امثل محمد عباس | International Journal of English Linguistics | 9 | 2 | 2019 | https://ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ijel/article/view/0/38603 |
32. | The Use of Pathetic Elements in Beckett’s Endgame | أ.م. حليمة اسماعيل ردام | 1. Serbuluz | 35 | 22 | 2019 | https://www.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/32127 |
33. | The impact of using Ishikawa diagram strategy to enhance the problem solving skill in composition writing of Iraqi EFL college students . | سامية محمد رزوق وداليا حسين | الفتح | 15 | 77 | 2019 | |
34. | Using multimedia for learning new words among undergraduate students in the college of Basic education/ university of Diyala | سندس طالب حسن | نسق | 24 | 2019 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ia3Mm_2JFLAuy14MWTY7nLrNz0EcUf8l/view | |
35. | A morphosyntactic study of Iraqi EFL college students’ written essays: a corpus based analysis | ميساء رضا جواد | International journal of applied research | 5 | 12 | 2019 | https://www.allresearchjournal.com/archives/?year=2019&vol=5&issue=12S&part=A&ArticleId=6414 |
36. | Deprivation and suffering in Grabam Greene’s The power and the glory | محمد ناجي | الادب | 128 | 2019 | https://aladabj.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/aladabjournal/article/view/414 | |
37. | لمشكلات التي تواجه مدرسين التربية الفنية في إقامة المعارض الفنية.. | أ.م. هبة مظهر عبد | مجلة الجامعة العراقيه. | 45 | 2019 | ||
38. | Stylistic Analysis of Cohesion in Ted Hughes ” The Wind” / | أ.م.د. سراب قادر مغير أ.م. اسوان جلال عباس م. حازم محمد علي | Universidad del Zulia | 25 | 1 | 2020 | https://www.redalyc.org/journal/279/27963086004/html |
39. | Stylistic Analysis of Cohesion in Ted Hughes ” The Wind” | أ.م.د. سراب قادر مغير أ.م. اسوان جلال عباس م. حازم محمد علي | Universidad del Zulia | 25 | 1 | 2020 | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341447818_Stylistic |
40. | A Linguistic Study of Gemination of Arabic Languages | أ.م.د. سراب قادر مغير | international journal of psychosocial rehabilitation vol. 24 issue 03 2020 | 24 | 3 | 2020 | https://www.psychosocial.com/article/PR2021133/33948/ |
41. | Impact of Social Media in Learning EFL Iraqi Students New Words | أ.م. عمر نصر الله خلف | Utopia | 25 | 1 | 2020 | https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=7411413 |
42. | The Role of Using Animation Movie in Teaching – Learning English Language for EFL Learners | أ.م.د. سندس طالب حسن م. ياسر صالح مهدي | international journal of psychosocial rehabilitation | 24 | 2 | 2020 | https://www.psychosocial.com/article/PR2024388/36871/ |
43. | Rhetoric Effects of Vocative Particle (Yaa) [O] in Al-Mutanabbis’ Poetry: A Stylistic Study | أ.م.د. سراب قادر مغير أ.م. اسوان جلال عباس | international journal of psychosocial rehabilitation | 24 | 5 | 2020 | https://www.psychosocial.com/article/PR2020144/20304/ |
44. | THE IMPORTANCE OF OBEDIENCE & FREE WILL IN JOHN MILTON’S PARADISE LOST | أ.م. حليمة اسماعيل ردام | international journal of psychosocial rehabilitation | 24 | 3 | 2020 | https://www.psychosocial.com/article/PR2021132/33946/ |
45. | Yin (Good) Yang (Evil) Formula in the Power and the Glory by Graham Greene | أ.م. حليمة اسماعيل ردام | international journal of psychosocial rehabilitation | 24 | 1 | 2020 | https://www.psychosocial.com/article/PR202245/33942/ |
46. | The Birthday Party is “Comedy of menace” | أ.م. حليمة اسماعيل ردام | international journal of psychosocial rehabilitation | 24 | 3 | 2020 | https://www.psychosocial.com/article/PR2021131/33944/ |
47. | THE RECOVERY OF SELF-IDENTIFICATION IN FREDERICK DOUGLASS’S NARRATIVE OF THE LIFE OF FREDERICK DOUGLASS | أ.م.د. محمد ناجي حسين | PALARCH’S JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY OF EGYPT/EGYPTOLOGY / | 17 | 4 | 2020 | https://www.archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/9073 |
48. | THE CORRUPTING POWER OF SLAVERY IN HARRIET ANN JACOB’S INCIDENTS IN THE LIFE OF A SLAVE GIRL | أ.م.د. محمد ناجي حسين | PALARCH’S JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY OF EGYPT/EGYPTOLOGY / | 17 | 4 | 2020 | https://www.archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/9074 |
49. | THE RECOVERY OF SELF-IDENTIFICATION IN FREDERICK DOUGLASS’S NARRATIVE OF THE LIFE OF FREDERICK DOUGLASS | أ.م.د. محمد ناجي حسين م. ميثم علي خليفة | 2. PALARCH’S JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY OF EGYPT/EGYPTOLOGY / | 17 | 4 | 2020 | https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/9073 |
50. | THE CORRUPTING POWER OF SLAVERY IN HARRIET ANN JACOB’S INCIDENTS IN THE LIFE OF A SLAVE GIRL | أ.م.د. محمد ناجي حسين م. ميثم علي خليفة | 3. PALARCH’S JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY OF EGYPT/EGYPTOLOGY / | 17 | 1 | 2020 | https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/9074 |
51. | The impact of using Facebook application to develop the critical thinking of Iraqi EFL college students | سامية محمد رزوقي | Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology | 12 | 2 | 2020 | https://www.xajzkjdx.cn/Vol-12-Issue-2-2020 |
52. | The impact of using 2R2D in learning English among secondary school students | داليا حسين يحيى | نسق | 26 | 2020 | https://nasaqiraq.com/26-2/ | |
53. | The effect of Guided discovery with instructional aids on developing writing skill for Iraqi approach EFL students at intermediate schools | ابتهال احمد صلال | ديالى | 83 | 2020 | https://humanmag.uodiyala.edu.iq/pages?id=153 | |
54. | Morphosyntactic error analysis of Iraqi medical students’ reports | ميساء رضا جواد | ديالى | 84 | 2020 | https://humanmag.uodiyala.edu.iq/uploads/pdf/84-1/30-1.pdf | |
55. | The effect of using group work in enhancing writing skill | ياسر صالح مهدي | نسق | 28 | 2020 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1puhtR9bTcvpeM4bb-jmBjdXLh9dneUO2/view | |
56. | Personal affairs in E.M. Foster’s A passage to India | نادية احمد فرهود | ديالى | 83 | 2020 | https://humanmag.uodiyala.edu.iq/uploads/pdf/83-2/24.pdf | |
57. | The Impact of Using Dual Coding Theory to Develop Iraqi EFL College Students Performance in Reading Comberhension. | م. سامية محمد رزوقي | الجامعة العراقية | 48 | 3 | 2020 | https://mabdaa.aliraqia.edu.iq/index.php/MABDAA/issue/view/15/413 |
58. | الذكاء المتعدد الحركي وعلاقته بالمهارات الادائية اليدوية لطلبة معاهد الفنون الجميلة. | أ.م. هبة مظهر عبد | النسق | 27 | 2020 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tN8aUvMmsWUJ_V14TPK92JJlNagNM1Pi/view | |
59. | دور اناشيد الأطفال في تطور الجانب الخلفي من وجهة نظر معلمات رياض الأطفال.. | أ.م. هبة مظهر عبد | مجلة كلية التربية العدد | 4 | 38 | 2020 | https://eduj.uowasit.edu.iq/index.php/eduj/article/view/1300 |
60. | The effect of using differentiated instruction on the achievement of second-year students in comprehension | ابتهال احمد صلال | نسق | 3 | 31 | 2021 | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gXGq0s5M_DHxoiyJlSnHIKnQ9FEMGV2d/view |
61. | Difficulties that Face teachers of artin making art galleries | أ.م. هبة مظهر عبد | مجلة الجامعة العراقية | 45 | 1 | 2019 | https://www.iasj.net/iasj/article/174795 |
62. | Validity Of Teaching And Learning English As A Foreign Language At The Time Of Covid-19 | أ.م.د. سندس طالب م. ابتهال مراد م.ياسر صالح | Elementary Education Online | 19 | 3 | 2020 | http://www.ilkogretim-online.org/fulltext/218-1635277180.pdf?1638811629 |
63. | The Grim Reality of War and Love in Hemingway’s ‘’A Farewell to Arms’ ‘and Antoon’s ‘’The Corpse Washer’’ | م.د. هيفاء عبد الخالق احمد | مجلة ميسان | 22 | 45 | 2023 | |
64. | The Female Voice in Jane Eyer Novel | م.د. هيفاء عبد الخالق احمد م. نادية احمد فرهود | International Journal of Health Sciences | special issue | https://sciencescholar.us/journal/index.php/ijhs/article/view/9994 | ||
65. | Classical Tragedy and Modern Tragedy: Difference and Similarity | م.د. هيفاء عبد الخالق احمد | Basic Education College Magazine For Educational and Humanities Sciences | 14 | 57 | 2022 | https://www.iasj.net/iasj/article/249487 |
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