Two of college staff contribute to the seminar sponsored by baitulhikmah – social studied department .
Two of college staff contribute to the seminar sponsored by baitulhikmah – social studied department .
The dean of basic educational college meets the staff of the physical education and sport science department .
a member staff at history department contribute the discussion of doctorate thesis in tikrit university .
Mathematics department held a seminar on the process of research writing for the 4th stage students .
A staff member at history department get membership in The International Union of historians for Development, Culture and Social Sciences
A member staff at history department contribute to the international fair of Arab Association for Islamic civilization and the arts held in Egypt
A member staff at mathematics department make lecture about educational technology in the teaching and learning in the center of development and continuous education at diyala university
A member staff at history department contribute to the 2nd international conference of Arab Association for Islamic civilization and the arts held in Egypt
Department of Arabic language organizes a guidance lecture on” the role of female student in defeating foreign invasion cultural and intellectual”.
(International English journal of Advances in Social (Sciences