The dean of college of basic education , university of diyala . contribute in discussion of master thesis in the college of physical education and sport sciences , university of baghdad
The dean of college of basic education , university of diyala . contribute in discussion of master thesis in the college of physical education and sport sciences , university of baghdad
The dean of college of basic education , university of diyala , assistant professor Dr. haider shaker mezher , participate in the discussion of master thesis entitled (regulate a set of skill tests for the two types of targeting by front jumping and the fall of the front line players of handball game ) for the master student ( ali abdilhassan humood ) in the college of physical education and sport sciences .
The comitte of discussion involved a number of professors .
1 – prof . Dr.fairs sami yousif – chairman
2 – assis.prof. Dr. Haide shaker mezher – member
3 – assist.prof. Dr. assma'a hekmet fadhil – member
4 – assist.prof. Dr. mushraq khalil fathi – member and suoervisor .
posted by : dhamya salman
translated by : asst.lect. salih mahdi salih