The College of Basic Education Achieves the first place in the annual assessment of student activities in the College in aspects of (sports, artistic, scouting) for the academic year 2016-2017 at the university level.
PhD thesis in the college of basic education discusses the ( The Effect of Psychological Program in the Development of Psychological Flow and Some Basic Skills of Football for Youth)
PhD thesis in the college of basic education discusses the impact of special exercises in the development of momentum of arm and mastering some of the basic skills of volleyball for young
The college of Basic Education at the University of Diyala discussed a master thesis titled (Effect of reverse gradation method in partial way in developing concentration of attention and gaining some basic skills in the football field for 7th class students) in the specialization of teaching methods of physical education.
PhD thesis in the college of basic education discusses the impact of physical exercises on the basis of some bio-mechanical variables to improve the tone of muscle and bone density The dynamic range (The kinetic range) for women aged 40-49 years
Master Thesis in college of basic education discusses the (The impact of exercises using a different teaching style in learning some of the offensive skills of football for students of the first stage college of Physical Education and Sports Sciences)
A new achievement to college of basic education by getting of Al-fath journal the DOI number
College of basic education holds its Sixth Graduate Student Research Conference for the academic year 2016-2017
PhD thesis in the College of Basic Education discusses the effectiveness of a proposed program to teach the general teaching methods according to the approach of systems in the achievement of students of faculties of basic education