Dean of college of basic education contribute in Discussion comitte of master thesis at Al-mustansiriyah university .
Dean of college of basic education contribute in Discussion comitte of master thesis at Al-mustansiriyah university .
Dr. Haider Shaker Mezher contribute in Discussion of master thesis entitle (The effect of exercise training by using assistive facility to develop the skill of a very rapid shooting of back line players for professionals in handball game ) . Which was submitted by ( Saif Hamid Ali ) to Al-mustansiriyah university as a partial fulfillment of master degree of physical education .
The discussion comitte consist of :
1 – Prof.Dr. Nasser Safaa ali ——– chairman
2 – Assist.prof. Dr. Haider Shaker Mezher ——- member
3 – Assist.prof. Dr. Hardan Aziz Salman ——— member
4 – prof.Dr. Sanaa Khalil Oubaid ———— supervisor
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