Diyala University
College of Basic Education
Department of English
Subject : Observation
Third Stage
Second Course
By : Lecturer Omar Nasrallah
Observation: from the earliest history of scientific activity . observation has been
The prevailing method of inquiry .observing natural phenomena aided by
systematic classification and measurement led to the development of theories and
law and natures forces . As a data gathering device direct observation may make
an important contribution to descriptive research certain type of information can
best be obtained through direct examination by researcher.
Example one may study the characteristics of school building by observing and
recording such aspect as materials of construction .Number of rooms for various purpose ,size of rooms ,amount of furniture and equipment {best :1981,158}
Types of observation
1.1– Nonparticipant observation the observer is not directly involved in the
situation to be observed .
1.2—Simulation observation the researcher creates the situation to be observed
and tells subjects what activities they are to engage in this technique allows the researcher to observe behavior that occurs infrequently in natural situation
1.3 —Naturalistic observation the observer purposely controls or manipulates
nothing and in fact work very hard at not affecting the observed situation in any way {ALsaedy:2002,13}
1.4—Participant observation in which the teacher participates in the classroom by teaching or asking {Ross :1974,162}
2-How to do instructed observation ?
2.1 -1- Take a note book and pen .
2- Note down when you see some thing interest .
3- Write down theories as you form them
4-Look for more evidence
5- Ask people to confirm things
3- Characteristics
1- Focus in community and ethnic groups .
2-To know immediate impact of an event and aspect of every day life .
3- To get an inside view of reality .
4-Focus in persons and the setting . { www. Pathway –Egypt }
3.1 –Observer reliability
Unreliable observations are as useless as data based on an unreliable test
Determining observer reliability generally requires that at least two observers
Independently make observations, their record judgment as to what occurred
can then be compared to see how well they agree.
Oneapproach to increase reliability is to use shorter observation periods and to
base reliability calculations on both agreements and disagreements on occurren-
Ces and nonoccurrence’s of behavior with this approach it is easier to determine
Whether observers are recording the same events at the same time .
Observation Bias observation bias refers to invalid observation that
result from the way in which observer observe. {ross:1974,292}
4- Recording of observation
The observers should have to observe and record only one behavior at a time
even if you are interest in two types of behavior for example teacher behavior
and student behavior the observer should only one have to make one decision at
time . Thus , if two types of behavior are to be observed they should probably
Be observed alternately . {Van Dalen :1962,47}
5- Check List
The check list , the simplest of the device , consist of a prepared list of items . The
Presence or absence of the item may be indicated by checking yes or no , the type
Or number of the items may be indicated by inserting the appropriate word or
number . This simple laundry –list type of device systematizes and facilitates
the recording of observations , and helps to ensure the consideration of the
important aspect of the object or act observed . Readers are familiar with
check list to help buyers purchase a use car . {best :1981, 161)