An Article about Technology
Ast.Prof Omar Nesrallah
In Methods of Teaching English
College of Basic Education
Diyala University
Technology and Technology Integration
Many scholars are progressively interested in discovering how technologies is
incorporated to instructional environments and how to properly fit technical capabilities to
learners’ studying requirements. Effective incorporation, according to both academics and
operators, is more than only delivering a computer application or other technology to kids in a
class. Technology incorporation should be carefully designed focused on instructional
objectives and educational approaches, and there are numerous challenges to conquer in order
to properly incorporate tech into the classroom (McLafferty, 2000).
There are eight primary issues that have hampered technology incorporation in our
schools, as per Cooley and Johnston (2000). Some institutions invest too much money on
equipment and have insufficient technology or cash to educate instructors. Investments of
hardware and software might be undertaken with limited involvement from teachers,
culminating in underused equipment. Educators might not be able to utilize Web access at
classrooms because they are not situated where they could be used. Educators’ technological
education is rarely focused on class uses.
The usage of technologies necessitates the implementation of new instructional
practices that effectively involve learners and depend on instructor cooperation. Further
impediments include a lack of technical assistance and insufficient funds for technology
management, repairing, and updates. Most educators are wary of tech since it contradicts their
teaching style. Lastly, motivation systems in educational systems might be focused on
improving children’ testing performance, making technologies a non-critical factor. The
educator is still a big barrier when it comes to integrating technology into the class (Cooley &
Johnston, 2000).
CALL stands for Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Possibly “Technology
Enriched Language Learning” (TELL) is a more comprehensive phrase for any language
studying exercise encompassing a pc in a considerable contribution, such as both educator
and instrument applications. Bush (1997) used the phrase “technology enhanced language
learning” to relate to any language studying action encompassing a pc in a substantial
position, such as both educator and device utilizes.
As a result, it is not just what the pc could accomplish that matters, but also how the
student interacts with the tech. Felix (2008) puts values in the effectiveness of CALL in
developing the four skills and argues that there is “enough data in CALL to suggest positive
effects on spelling, reading and writing”, but in areas like speaking more research is needed
in order to determine its effectiveness online. She claims that students’ perceptions of
CALL are positive, but she qualifies this claim by stating that the technologies need to be
stable and well supported drawing attention to concerns that technical problems may interfere
with the learning process.
CALL is placed in a multidisciplinary setting by Levy (1997), which includes
cognition, utilized and combinatorial linguistics, educational new tech and styling, humancomputer communication, and machine intelligence intelligent systems, demonstrating the
need for a more explanatory phrase like technology-enhanced language studying. The focus
of this research is on technology-enhanced language acquisition and how computer-based
syntax and vocab training affects writing. Research in to the efficacy of technology-enhanced
language studying to enhance learner accomplishment is of involvement at all instructional
stages, particularly in light of the federal No Child Left Over Act’s Improvement Teaching
via Technology Program created in 2002.
Managers, instructors, and other educational participants are interested about
implementing the most effective techniques and technological resources to enhance and
promote learner achievement. According to a poll of specialists in computer-assisted
language acquisition (Hubbard, 2003), a significant proportion of professionals are worried
about the efficiency of technologies in improving education. Examining suitable and effective
usage in second language education and education is also critical to TELL’s continuous
Jarvis and Achilleos (2016) carried out a qualitative study which investigated the
learners’ preference in using the multimedia for second language learning purposes. The
findings indicated that most participants benefitted using mobile language learning. The use
of technology in EFL context provide ubiquitous opportunities for learners to receive practice
free of constraints of time and place (Jarvis, 2017). In another study, Valk, Rashid, and Elder
(2015) concluded that technology items can be used as an important tool to deal with
challenges of distance and lack of infrastructure.
Many people wonder “whether tech must try to imitate the qualities of an interactive
class, involving learners in creative and important discussion, or offer the kinds of lectures
and exercises that are often overlooked in today’s classroom instruction” (Nutta, 1998, p. 49).
However, this scientist argues that in order to attract to a wide range of students,
technological systems and educational approaches should be flexible and play a changeable
function. Although educators can often choose activities, projects, or knowledge that are
suitable for their stage and requires with TELL/CALL, it is commonly a few examples of
evaluation that increases learner responsibility and utilize of new tech (Burston, 1991),
because educators may not utilize all of the assets accessible or enhance the technology
(Scott, 1990).
-. Second Language Research on the Use of Computers
Computer systems are useful not just for studying languages, but also for conducting
researches. Système-D, the French language edition of Atajo, was used in a number of
investigations. The purpose of New’s research (1994/1995) was to see if medium stage
college learners of French edit when composing in the other language, and if so, whether they
edit for structure, substance, or both. Writings, Système-D logs, and video recordings
revealed that both self-described skilled and weak performers revised their compositions,
with higher surface-level modifications than meaning-level adjustments. The authors
appeared to prioritize delivering the idea in post-writing surveys, but in actuality, they
behaved more out of grammatical considerations. Miller (2000) provides a method to
investigating the composing procedure that evaluates structural characteristics of the
producing activity in a research of L1 and L2 authors, and exhibits the use of the study
reference source with results from a research of L1 and L2 composers in an investigation on
The investigator studied stopping, speed, and revising activities of one bachelor Greek
learner learning in the British college structure by capturing keystroke strokes performed
through text writing. Besides, in a study done by Ghanizadeh et al. (2015) they reviewed
some articles on technology-enhanced language learning available between 2004 and 2014, to
discover the efficiency of applying technology in refining language education. They revealed
that, in almost all areas of language education, technology was utilized. They indicated that
Technology was proved to be influential in refining the feature of input, making interaction
authentic, and providing suitable and pertinent feedback. Moreover, scholars advocated that
the development of all language skills can be provided by using technology (e.g., listening,
writing, reading, speaking, grammar, and vocabulary). It was also shown that learning
conditions made by using technology were enjoyable for language learners.